Lubov Orlova: Virtual Museum

Theatrical Roles

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Lyubov Orlova

"I’ll never be older than 39, not a day older!" (Mrs. Patrick Campbell, English actress)

"One of my plays was produced on the stage in the Academic Theatre named after Mossovet in 1970-s. Once I had been going by elevator in the Theatre and one woman had entered the elevator. She was in dark glasses. I couldn't recognize her and puzzled over the riddle: who was she? I knew quite well a lot of actresses of the Theatre but couldn't yet identify that lady. Her fugure was svelte and perfectly-formed, her legs were lovely, her clothes was fantastic. We had got off the elevator and she had taken glasses off. I shrieked out: "A-a!!!" She had asked: "What's happened with you?" It was Lyubov Orlova and she was 70."

Vitaly Vulf, a famous Russian art reviewer and playwright


Roles in plays at the Academic Theatre named after Mossovet, director Yuri Zavadski







“Russian Question”, (first Orlova’s appearance – 1949). A play of a playwright Konstantin Simonov. Directors – Yuri Zavadsky and Irina Anisimova-Vulf. Lyubov Orlova plays a part of Jessie Smith.

Simonov, Konstantin Mikhailovich. Born on November 18, 1915 (November 28, Old Style). Simonov was sent on several trips aboard as a literary ambassador, including one famous trip to the United States in 1946 along with Ilya Ehrenburg. Simonov saw New York , Hollywood , and Detroit . And he returned to the Soviet Union with a brand new Cadillac. After his return, Simonov produced a play with an American theme: Russian Question (Russkii Vopros, 1947). This play features an American reporter Harry Smith who disseminates disinformation about the Soviet Union . He later repents, but suffers serious consequences as a result.


“Somov and others”, (first Orlova’s appearance– 1953). A play of a playwright Maxim Gorky. Director – Irina Anisimova-Vulf. Lyubov Orlova plays a part of Lidia.

Gorky, Maxim [1868-1936]: Russian writer. Pen name of Alexei Peshkov. Born in Nizhny- Novgorod (renamed Gorky , 1932 in his honour) he was exiled (1906-13) for his revolutionary principles. His work, which include the play The Lower Depths (1902) and the recollections My Childhood (1913), combine realism with faith in the potential of the industrial proletariat.

Maxim Gorky, born March 16 [March 28, New Style], 1868, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
died June 14, 1936 also spelled   Maxim Gorki,  pseudonym of   Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov  Russian short-story writer and novelist who first attracted attention with his naturalistic and sympathetic stories of tramps and social outcasts and later wrote other stories, novels, and plays, including his famous The Lower Depths.

In 1921, Gorky again went abroad, seeking treatment for his tuberculosis in Germany and Czechoslovakia . He then settled down in Sorrento , Italy . He worked as editor of Dialogue and produced the final installment of his autobiography, My Universities, and the novel The Artamonov Business.
In 1928, amid great public fanfare, Gorky returned to the Soviet Union . He admitted that his position concerning the timing of the October Revolution has been mistaken and that he had underestimated the creative forces of the proletariate in revolution. He was generous in his praise of Stalin, collectivization, and Soviet constrcution projects, including the Belomorsky Canal . He settled down in Moscow and set to writing dramas. He produced the play Somov and Others (1931). This work takes as its theme the sabotage of Soviet industry by engineers; GPU agents show up in the end to arrest the evil engineers.


Russian Question

Russian question

Russian question

Russian question

Somov and Others

Somov and others

Somov and others

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