Lubov Orlova: Virtual Museum

First Steps


Childhood and Youth

Lyubov Orlova, in Russian – Любовь Петровна Орлова, (January 29, 1902 – January 26, 1975) – a celebrated film-actress, the Russian public’s Idol in 1930-1950.

Lyubov Orlova was born on January 29, 1902 in the town Zwenigorod near Moscow in the gentry’s family. The father of the future filmstar, Peter Orlov, served as a military engineer. Her mother, Eugenie Sukhotina, was descended of the ancient noble family.

The parents dreamed of their daughter become a professional piano-player, and she had entered a musical school when she was seven. Her major sister Anna (Nonna) was learning to play violin.

Studying and Work in 1919-1933


1919-1922 – Orlova had been studying in the Moscow conservatory, a class of grand piano, but she didn’t graduate from it because of the absence of money.

1922-1925 – Orlova had been studying at a ballet faculty of the Moscow Theatrical Technical Secondary School (another name – High Ballet School).

1922-1925 – she was being tutored at home in dramatic art by Teleshova, E., a director of the Moscow Art Theatre .

1920-1926 – she had been accompaning silent movies on the piano in Moscow cinemas Union , Ars, Great Silent and Orpheum. Later on she had been providing concert entertainment before movie displaying at the cinema Ars.

1926-1933 – She had become a member of a mixed chorus and, later on, a soloist of the Musical Theatre under the direction of Vladimir Nemirovitch-Danchenko.

Lyubov Orlova had entered the mixed chorus of the Musical Theatre under the direction of Vladimir Nemirovitch-Danchenko, as a member, after graduating from the Moscow Theatrical Technical Secondary School in 1926.

At the beginning of her career in the theatre Lyubov Orlova played episodic parts, being the artist of the chorus and ballet. Nevertheless her musical and dramatic talent was remarked by the audience. She had got the part of Perikola of the same name operetta by Jacques Offenbach ( France ) in 1932 and this lead part made her a real soloist.

Dancing DancingDancing

Lead roles at the Musical Theatre under the direction of Vladimir Nemirovitch-Danchenko:

  • Perichola in the operetta by Jacques Offenbach «La Perichola».
  • Hersilie in the operetta by Charles Lecocq «Madame Ango’s Daughter» (“La Fille de Madame Angot”).
  • Serpolette in the operetta by Robert Planquette «Corneville’s Bells» (“ Les Cloches de Corneville”).
  • Georgette in the operetta by Jacques Ibert «Italian Straw Hat» (“Un Chapeau de Paille d'Italie”).

1926-1930 – She was married to Andrei Berzin (1893-1947/8 гг.), Deputy Head of the State Commissariat of Agriculture. In 1930 Andrei Berzin was arrested by GPU in connection with a trumped-up case of a Labor Peasant Party. В 1938 г. he was re-arrested and was sent into a concentration camp of GULAG.

1932-1933 – She had a common-law marriage with a German/Austrian entrepreneur. The more accurate information on him is absent.

Lyubov Orlova and Michael Nemirovitch-Danchenko


As Serpolette in the operetta by Robert Planquette «Corneville’s Bells»


As Serpolette in the operetta by Robert Planquette «Corneville’s Bells»


Lyubov Orlova and Michael Nemirovitch-Danchenko



Young Lybochka Orlova


As Perichola in the operetta by Jacques Offenbach «La Perichola»


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